Concurrent Credit

Concurrent Credit at ag娱乐官网

Concurrent credit is a great way for high school students to earn both college credit and high school credit simultaneously. Students who are in grades nine through twelve may enroll concurrently for college courses. ag娱乐官网 considers those students who have successfully completed the eighth grade and who have not graduated from high school as eligible students. Concurrently enrolled students must meet these criteria:1. The student must have completed the eighth grade and be enrolled in a secondary school or home school.2. The student must complete an application for admission and provide qualifying test scores (ACCUPLACER or ACT). Home-schooled students must also provide a copy of the Notification of Intent to Home School Form, which is on file with the local school district.Only students who are qualified and enrolled in the college course may attend the course; high school students cannot attend a college course to receive only high school credit. North Arkansas College may stipulate additional qualifications for admission to concurrent student status. ag娱乐官网 Concurrent Enrollment Program staff will determine concurrent student placement, score attainment, and eligibility at the time of registration.
  • A concurrently enrolled student will be classified as non-degree seeking.
  • A concurrently enrolled student may not enroll for more than nine semester hours during any semester exclusive of courses taken at the high school campus or secondary center during regular school hours. Exceptions may be made by the high school administration in collaboration with Concurrent Enrollment program staff.
  • Students enrolled concurrently must maintain a cumulative 2.00 GPA each semester of ag娱乐官网 enrollment. Students failing to achieve a 2.00 semester GPA will be placed on academic probation for the following semester if the cumulative GPA falls below 2.00. Students will remain on academic probation as long as their semester GPA is 2.00 or higher and their cumulative GPA is less than 2.00. Students will be placed on academic suspension if, while on academic probation, they fail to achieve a 2.00 semester GPA and the cumulative GPA continues to be less than 2.00 Students may not re-enroll at ag娱乐官网 until classified as degree-seeking, typically following high school graduation or completion of a GED credential. Exceptions will require the approval of the Academic Leadership and Student Success Team.
  • All arrangements of third party payment of tuition and fees are the responsibility of the student.
  • To be eligible to enroll in general education/transfer courses listed below for college credit, a concurrent student much achieves the following minimum ACT scores based on 12th grade norms (or comparable ACCUPLACER score):

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* with qualifying math index score

  • ag娱乐官网 academic programs have oversight for transcripting concurrent college credit that follows HLC standards for student learning outcomes, faculty credentialing, etc.

Students are eligible to take the following ACTS courses for concurrent credit. To find out if additional courses would count for concurrent credit, please contact the Manager of Concurrent Education Meagan Hoyt at 870-391-3122 or email at

The College Kickstart Program incentivizes ag娱乐官网 concurrent students to complete as many college credits as possible while still in high school.

Tier One: Students who complete 15-44 credits at ag娱乐官网 during their high school career and maintain at least a 3.0 GPA receive:
  • Red and Black cord to wear at high school graduation
  • ag娱乐官网 College Kickstart Certificate

Tier Two:
Students who complete 45-59 credits at ag娱乐官网 during their high school career and maintain at least a 3.0 GPA receive:
  • Red and Black cord to wear at high school graduation
  • North Arkansas College Kickstart lapel pin
  • ag娱乐官网 College Kickstart Certificate

Tier Three:
Students who complete an associate's (60+ credits) degree at ag娱乐官网 during their high school career and maintain at least a 3.0 GPA receive:
  • Red and Black cord to wear at high school graduation
  • North Arkansas College Kickstart lapel pin
  • ag娱乐官网 College Kickstart Plaque
One advantage to taking classes while still in high school is that students get a head start on their college degrees. Students who complete the required classes may earn a college degree and/or certificate while still in high school. To learn more about these degree and certificate opportunities and the courses needed for completion of these credentials please contact Meagan Hoyt at 870-391-3122 or email her at
Students who complete at least 15 college credit hours through ag娱乐官网 may be eligible for Reverse Transfer, which is the process of awarding an associate degree to students who begin their education at ag娱乐官网, transfer to another institution, and complete their associate degree requirements while working toward a bachelor's degree.

To be eligible for a Reverse Transfer you must complete at least 15 college level credits at ag娱乐官网.  Students should work with a ag娱乐官网 advisor to ensure the classes they are completing at the four-year institution will transfer back to be applied to the associate degree.  Students will be awarded their ag娱乐官网 associate degree if their combined credits satisfy degree requirements and all graduation requirements.
Concurrent Enrollment is defined as students completing courses for high school and college credit.

Dual Enrollment is defined as students completing college credit courses not used for high school credit.

Students interested in dual credit opportunities should follow the college registration process and will register through the Advising Center.

Students interested in concurrent credit opportunities should work through their high school counselor and the Manager of Concurrent Programs.
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